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5 Great Bookish Podcasts To Dive Into This Summer

Although there's something to be said for sitting down and opening a good book, other activities in our lives can get in the way of that. We spend a lot of time moving around—whether we're pottering about the house, commuting to work, or simply out for a walk.

podcasts for bookworms

Cracking open a book would (obviously) be dangerous in any of these scenarios. Which is why podcasts exist! If you're looking for some good bookish podcasts to keep you entertained, here are five you should dive into this summer.

1. Books and Boba

May is Asian American Heritage month, and Books and Boba is a great podcast for learning about Asian and Asian American authors. They cover a wide variety of genres, and feature author interviews, monthly book picks, and general bookish news. It's the perfect way to expand your knowledge and try out new authors and genres!

Satanic Verses fatwa

2. Fatwa

Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses is the stuff of legend in the literary world. In case you're unfamiliar with the drama swirling around this controversial book, in 1989 a fatwa was issued on Rushdie for blasphemy against the Muslim religion. The fatwa resulted in multiple assassinations and attempted assassinations, and remains in place to this day.

The Fatwa podcast dives into what led up to this moment, and offers fascinating insight into the history of immigration to Britain, and the many individuals caught up in the fatwa against Salman Rushdie.

3. The Stacks

The Stacks podcast is one of my personal longtime favorites. Every Wednesday The Stacks releases a new episode about all things bookish. They cover everything from classics (like this month's Anna Karenina reading challenge), to social justice issues (like recommending books by Black authors and raisin money to supply books to US prisons), and contemporary fiction and non-fiction game changers.

so many damn books

4. So Many Damn Books

If you enjoy pairing themed cocktails with whatever you're reading at the moment, then this is the podcast for you! So Many Damned Books has the fun vibe of sitting in a bar with friends discussing books. Each episode features a cocktail infused interview with well-known author on writing inspiration, reading, and everything in between.

5. Freedom, Books, Flowers & the Moon

The name of this podcast is inspired by an Oscar Wilde quote, "With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?" and has a bit of a classics vibe with plenty of modern topics thrown in for good measure. Expect discussions on everything from social media to Wuthering Heights.

Which podcast do you plan on listening to first?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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